I need to place a classified ad in the Property Rent section of Dinamalar-Pondicherry edition, please assist me with any requirement for documentation or Sample adverts


Please know that ReleaseMyAd is an online ad booking agency for newspapers across India. You can place newspaper classified ads online for a newspaper of your choice through us.

To book the To Rent ad in Dinamalar, Pondicherry edition, please visit the following link: http://dinamalar.releasemyad.com/rates/to-rent and choose your location/edition as Pondicherry. You may also choose from the wide range of packages associated with your requirement.

For booking rent adverts, there is no requirement for any sort of documentation. When you are directed to the Compose Ad page you can take the help of our online Sample adverts as well as modify the ad with the help of ad enhancers. 

To ensure a timely release of your advertisement, please make sure that the release dates are confirmed and the payment is cleared at least 2-3 days prior to the date of release.

To Rent Ad for Dinamalar Pondicherry
Rs.552 /4 lines Book Now

Related to: Dinamalar, To Rent, Sample Ad, Documentation Post date: 08/05/2013 - 05:56PM